Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First of June

not the official beginning of summer, but here in Toronto June 1st sure feels like it.

what a day today...the kind that makes you glad to be alive. it was sunny, hot, windy, and just downright summer-like.

it also felt like the true beginning of my ironman ramp up. my first really long triple session outside. i hadn't realized how much i both loathe and miss those. they are lonely. they are long, dusty, windy, tiring, and mentally challenging, but punctuated, almost always, by epiphanies of sensation that make them as addictive as crack.

started in lake wilcox; the legendary, singular macca and nexus of toronto area triathletes. i started late so it was quite windy and choppy today. it is one of the most serene and beautiful places to swim...

when your bike loop takes you between two lakes, past panoramic vistas, gorgeous houses, sunbathers, horse farms, golf courses, and small hamlets with elderly chinese ladies selling water in ancient, singular variety stores, then you know you have a nice loop.

i rode to jackson point.

need i say more?

well, there was also this:

and this:

a very very nice bike ride. the scenery more than made up for my sore ass and sunburnt shoulders.

the run was hot, windy, on dirt roads and looked like this:

the best part of my day, was when i got home and went to the park with my daughter and blew dandelions on the grass and watched her laugh with delight on a swing.

 what else good could happen? BBQ? sitting outside on the deck sipping wine? massage? chocolate with chili? a good bowel movement?
no comment.

 just a good day on the road to penticton.

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