Friday, May 20, 2011


according to some, the world will end on May 21st.
or at least it will be the beginning of the end. THE RAPTURE.

i have seen much about this on the net and most people don't seem to realize that the rapture and the end of the world are not the same thing. the rapture is actually a gathering of good souls into the sky to escape the imminent suffering which is coming below. the tribulation before the end.

it is also a great song by blondie...

on May 21st there are also two ironman races: texas and lanzarote. there is also a 70.3 race in austria. this would signify that there are a number of people who don't seem to think it will be the end of the world that day. just another day of torture in ironman purgatory; and throw in some  tribulation too. anyone who has even been in a mass swim start knows what these terms mean first hand.

lanzarote is famed to be be one of the toughest ironman's on the planet. it is the ultimate form of ironman suffering  yet people go back, year after year. not one of these people want to escape the suffering. they crave it. no rapture seekers there. in fact, i think alot of ironman contenders would be a bit put off if all of their training came to nothing and they were suddenly lifted into the sky (or to the finish line, or the finish line in the sky, as it were).

according to one source, only 0.03% of the christian population believe that the rapture is tomorrow. that would be 6 930 000 people. alot more people than those doing ironman races tomorrow, which would be somewhere around seems alot more people are hoping for a release from suffering and tribulation tomorrow than immersion in it. alot more people believe they will ascend into the sky and escape all evil, than those who will voluntarily suffer in the depths of their bodies and souls in the furnace(s) of texas and lanzarote tomorrow.

and what if the rapture is just symbolic? what if it is a metaphor for being saved from suffering because you believed?, what if it is just about being free from the tribulations of evil, in your head? what if the same thing can be achieved by going head first into the eye of the storm? what if bhudda was right and all life is suffering? only suffering can lead you to freedom from suffering. if this is true,  then ironman can be a rapture in itself.

there is one consolation in all of this for me. according to most, the actual end of the world may not come for as long as 7 years after the rapture, so ironman canada this year is still safe. all of my suffering can still lead to the ultimate suffering/joy on august 28th in the okanagan. whew!

i am glad i bought gels for my long ride on monday...

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