Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Half Iron Dude, Full Iron Dad

granted, this is only my fourth year in the sport and i still have yet to race more than 20 races, including little local sprints...but the perfect day still eludes me.

sunday was the welland half ironman, full race report will follow. but yesterday was the toronto full irondad, and there is no question about which day i am more proud of!

first, i will consider that my post race recovery consisted of a chocolate milk, a hero burger and...drive 1/2 hour back to the hotel, shower, pack, load the car, rack the bike drive for 2 hours home, un-pack, un-rack, bathe the baby, go get food, eat food, sleep.

ok, now we are on monday...the toronto inner city full iron-dad day.

5:30 wake up, change baby, give bottle, play with baby
7:00 tag team with nanny, back to sleep for 45 m (o.k., i am not made of iron here!)
8:00 drive car to shop, drop car off
8:30 ride bike back home
09:00 do laundry, unpack suitcase, tidy up
10:30: rest hour, hang with family eat, watch True Blood season premiere on the PVR
11:30 ride bike back to car dealer, pick up car, drive home
1:00 shower, dress, walk to work
1:30-6:00 work...busy day...one crisis, 2 consults, 10 clients...
6:00 play with baby, bathe baby
6:30 return emtpy bottles, drug store, wine store, grocery shopping
8:00 eat
8:45-10:00 help my wife with some work related stuff ( with my remaining brain cell)

10:00 pm sleep.

all one day post race. wow. i am proud.

welland half iron race report to follow...

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